Board of Directors
The Art Guild of the Purple Isles (AGPI) is a non-profit 501(c)7 that has been promoting art in the Upper Keys for over 50 years. Our 100+ members include both Keys locals and snowbirds.
Our activities focus on themed members exhibitions in local galleries, and development and hosting of workshops by local and national artists. Members of the Board of Directors (all volunteers and active AGPI members) are integrally involved in the functioning of all aspects of the guild.
Our motto, “Explore. Educate. Exhibit”, says it all – we strive to continually explore creativity within our own and other’s art, educate the community about art by actively engaging with students in our local schools, and maintaining yearly exhibitions at galleries and museums in the Upper Keys.
We are truly fortunate in that we have a wonderful membership and an engaged and dedicated Board of Directors.
David Bader
AGPI President
Executive Board
President: | David Bader |
Vice President/Membership: | Holly DeMars |
Treasurer: | Gisela Llorens |
Secretary: | John Krohn |
Past President: | Laurie Richardson |
Chairs of Standing Committees on Board:
Judged Show Chair: | Christine & David O’Neil |
Plein Air: | Mary Tegan & Kate Conway |
Publicity: | Asta Kraskouskas |
Student Education: | Diane Smith |
Workshops and Demos: | Kelly Walkotten |
Website Chair: | Kathy Sperl-Bell |
Special Committee Appointees
Show Chairs: Dive Museum | Diane Smith & Mary Ellen Holler |
Show Chair: Wildlife of the Keys | Laurie Richardson |
Show Chair: Garden Walk | David Bader |
Creative Tuesdays: | Ad hoc |
Facebook: | Gloria Avner, Gisela Llorens, Diane Smith & David Bader |
Tassel Building Exhibit: | Mary Bonde |
Photography Exhibit: | Marcia Brito |
Photography Club: | John Vlad |
KLCC Exhibit Organizer: | Anne Chambers & Ellen Chokreff |
AGPI Historian: | Cynthia Robbins-Safarik |
Treasurer’s Assistant: | Kaya McCoy |